Travona N

Event Coordinator. Competitive athlete, energetic world traveler, and real-life cheerleader.


Travona N

Travona has always been passionate about events, especially the ones that take place outdoors. When a group spends most of their time in an office or workspace, Travona loves that she gets to be the one to take them outside for some excitement, friendly competition, and celebration.

Growing up, Travona has always had a lot of energy. In her early years, you could find her climbing trees and jumping ditches on the family farm. She was a natural athlete, and was also quick to become a huge sports fan. Over the years, Travona played everything from volleyball, to soccer, to track and field. She also became a professional cheerleader, and used her energetic personality to help get crowds excited and engaged with events.

After completing her education with a degree in nutritional sciences, Travona continued exercising, and even competed in fitness and figure competitions. Loving life and the excitement of learning, she also spent time abroad while teaching English as a second language.

In her spare time, you can find Travona completing dare devil feats, and making her family friends laugh with her unique sense of humour.