A Practical Guide to Using D.I.S.C. in the Workplace

Download Your Free Guide Today - Inside this free 23-page resource, you’ll find information on how D.I.S.C. works, where to find the test, and how to keep your learning relevant

Estimated reading time: 20 minutes
Length: 23 pages

What’s Inside the Guide?

  • A detailed description of the D.I.S.C. assessment and how it works
  • Step-by-step advice on how to begin using D.I.S.C. effectively within your workplace
  • Five common business scenarios that you can – and should – use D.I.S.C. in
  • Expert advice from Outback’s Lead Skill Development Facilitator, Lyndon Friesen


“D.I.S.C. is a behavioral self-assessment tool often used by groups to help them work better together. Based on work done by Dr. William Moulton Marston, this test can help individuals identify personality traits as it relates to D.I.S.C.’s four quadrants…”