Thomas Mangum

Facilitator, entrepreneur, and dynamic keynote speaker, this inspirational world traveler enjoys snowboarding and days at the beach.


Thomas Mangum

Thomas was born in Virginia, educated in Maryland and calls San Diego, California home. He draws on his over 30 years of life experience as an entrepreneur, trainer, military interrogator, and radio show host to inspire others. He uses his rich and diverse experience and background as tools to help move the individual from where they are to where they’ve only dreamed to be.

Leading the Speakers Bureau for Hostelling International and Toastmasters International, San Diego and facilitating training with multiple seminar companies, has shown him a world of adventure. In between facilitating, he can be found engaging with the locals, snowboarding, enjoying a spa, trekking about the globe or taking Mei-Li the pug to the dog beach. You’d be amazed how much networking happens at the dog park!

A dynamic keynote speaker, memorable facilitator, and provocative coach & author, Thomas excels at moving from the ordinary small talk to the conversations that truly matter – the ones that break the patterns of the average corporate training so common today.

“There is no greater thrill than seeing the light bulb click on, the perspective shift and hearts open during a live highly experiential training” — Thomas Mangum